Jobs Report Could Clarify Investors Love-Hate Relationship With Stocks


Investors are struggling to reconcile a market in which everything has performed great, yet nothing seems worth buying – Jon Sindreu, “Love-Hate Connection To Stocks Intensifies” [SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED], WSJ B1, Thursday 9/5

The market has been on a roller coaster of late. After topping out in early July, the market went straight down for a few weeks. Then, it pivoted and reversed hard to upside for a few weeks before chopping around the last two. Jon Sindreu wrote a terrific – and funny – column in today’s WSJ about investors current Love-Hate relationship with stocks with the best line being the quote above.

The August Jobs Report out Friday morning could go a ways to resolving the ambivalence. Bulls would like to see a 50 point cut by the Fed on September 18th – but the Jobs Report is going to have to be pretty weak for that to happen IMO. At any rate, get your beauty sleep and your popcorn ready because tomorrow is a big day.

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