Top Gun FP Client Note: Europe Leads
NOTE: Every week I write a Client Note for my clients. For a limited time, I am allowing non-clients to sign up and receive the Client Note. You can sign up at the top right hand corner of the website. …
NOTE: Every week I write a Client Note for my clients. For a limited time, I am allowing non-clients to sign up and receive the Client Note. You can sign up at the top right hand corner of the website. …
It is an extraordinary measure for a central bank, particularly the purchase of financial assets to encourage the decline in risk premiums. To be explicit on that point and to extensively influence market interest rates and risk premiums, the Bank…
Two prominent articles on the dollar rally/euro crash. One in Barron’s this weekend: “Will The Euro’s Pain Be U.S. Stocks Gain?”, Kopin Tan, Barron’s, February 13. And then on the front page of today’s WSJ: “Dollar Up As Euro Reels”,…
In light of ongoing improvements in the functioning of financial markets, the Committee and the Board of Governors anticipate that most of the Federal Reserve’s special liquidity facilities will expire on February 1, 2010. – Fed Statement December 16 Very…
NOTE: Every week I write a Client Note for my clients. For a limited time, I am allowing non-clients to sign up and receive the Client Note. You can sign up at the top right hand corner of the website. …
The last three days trading is all about the benjamins – the dollar, that is. The better than expected Friday November Jobs Report has triggered a powerful rally in the dollar. That’s because it has led investors to believe that…
Fascinating front page article in today’s Wall Street Journal on central banks around the world intervening to try and prop up the dollar and prevent their currencies from appreciating so much against it: “World Tries To Buck Up Dollar”, The…
We’ve got this very unstable situation in which Fed policy is dictating the behavior of so many assets. The dollar is at the nexus of this. – Dean Curnutt, President, Macro Risk Advisors, quoted in “Dollar Calls the Tune For…
NOTE: Every week I write a Client Note for my clients. For a limited time, I am allowing non-clients to sign up and receive the Client Note. You can sign up at the top right hand corner of the website. …
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese…